Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wii Mountain Resort

This is the message that I sent to Nintendo, about my brainstorm for a Wii Game.

Hello, Wii Designers,

I am Matthew Nesteroff, and I will be turning 13 this September. I have had lots of fun with your recent release, Wii Sports Resort. I especially liked the Swordplay Showdown and Dogfight games, and I have come up with a few stunts that I enjoy performing in Island Flyover. My favorite thing about Island Flyover is that I can fly the plane through the various tunnels in the Island. Using B to cut the engine allows me to attain speeds that my stunts would not work without. In my opinion, it is a perfectly designed game. My cousins, Dylan, who is currently 11, and Anna, who just recently turned 7, have also loved the Wii Sports Resort.

I was considering what would be an enjoyable add-on to your most recent Wii game release, the Wii Sports Resort game, when I came up with an idea for the Wii Mountain Resort, a separate island, only a short plane ride west of Wuhu Island. The Wii mountain Resort consists of two snow-covered islands, the main island, Eisey Island (Icy) being several times larger than Eiscaite (Ice skate) Island. Some distinguishing features include a large mountain on Eisey Island, an alpine lake located on Eiscaite Island, a large town and a few mountain villages on Eisey Island, most of the ice sports on Eiscaite Island, a private island to which some of the minor sports could move to, and a small round island with a very tall spire, on which the player can unlock a statue of their mii. This statue will appear on the top of the spire. Here are the sports that I think would be best for this expansion:

1) Skiing, in four different levels of difficulty--- beginner, intermediate, expert, and freestyle. The higher the difficulty level, the longer the run down the mountain, and the steeper the slopes. Also, intermediate should include moguls, and expert should include a few jumps and halfpipes. Freestyle will be for having fun, and should include several grinding rails, halfpipes, jumps, and a slalom course.

2) Snowboarding, with the same conditions, only on a different side of the mountain, and more frequent jumps. Snowboarding freestyle should be in the same area with Skiing freestyle.

3) Ice skating, with races and figure-skating, located on Eiscaite Island.

4) Innertubing and bobsledding. Both go on a winding path down the mountain, with the objective being to get down the mountain as fast as possible, without falling of the ledge on the right. In innertubing, the player controls the only person in the innertube. In bobsledding, the player should control at least three people, working as a team to steer the bobsled.

5) Snowmobile races, with the course going around Eisey island. I am not sure whether to include a snowball gun that could be used to temporarily knock out other players, but it is a possibility. If it is included, then I think you should definitely include it in two- and four- player. If it is a team race, then the snowball gun should be mounted on the back, and should rotate 360 degrees. The point of this will be so that the players can decide if they want to be gunner, or in a separate snowmobile.

6) Ice fishing, sort of like the fishing in Wii Play, but the harder the difficulty, then the less fish there are. Located on Eiscaite Island.

7) Snowball fight, where the player's mii, dressed in winter attire, can run around throwing snowballs at other miis. I think that it would work best if the more opposing miis get hit by a snowball thrown by the player's mii, the more points are given to that mii. But if the player's mii gets hit, then points are taken away. I think that the controls should be Nunchuck Joystick, to run around, C to duck, Z to make a snowball, B to throw the snowball, and Wii remote to aim. It would be nice if there were walls and buildings for the player to take cover behind. Also, I think there should be a cheat, where a person could just hold down Z and B, for automatic fire, though if that is used, then they'd get less points for hitting a computer-generated mii with automatic fire than with single-shot style. I think that the automatic firing style should NOT be included in the instructions. Located on Eisey Island, on the western edge of the town.

8) Swimming, located in a resort hotel on Eisey Island, where the player could swim laps, compete in a swim race, and play water polo.

9) Ice tunneling, located just outside of the main town on Eisey Island. The player should be able to tunnel as long as they want, and can build igloos above the surface. Also, the player could choose whether or not the tunnel-and-igloo house could be used as a snowball fight course. I think the controls would work best in this format: Wii remote points in the direction the player wants to dig/place ice brick, A to dig, B to fill, and the Nunchuck joystick to move.

10) Snowman building contest, located on Eisey Island, with the point being to build the most detailed snowman before the time runs out. Levels of difficulty should beginner, intermediate, and expert. I thought it would be cool if the player could either choose to knock the snowman down with snowballs after they are done, or save it and place it somewhere in or around their house. I think that A should roll up the ball, B to drop ball, Wii remote to point ball/ice saw, and 1 to use the ice saw. I think that when the ball is picked up, it should have a shadow on the ground to help the player with perspective.

11) Curling, for between 1 and 4 players. Located on Eiscaite Island

12) Ice hockey, for 1 to 2 players, with either team play, or Vs. In both, the player can choose which position they want to play before the game starts, but cannot change position. However, they can move wherever they want. Located on Eiscaite Island.

13) Alpine lake diving, located on Eiscaite Island, with the player diving as deep as they can go. The deeper the mii dives, then the harder it is to control. Don't drown, and don't ascend too fast!

14) Polar bear chase and Invasion survival. Polar bear chase has the player run around Eisey island being chased by a polar bear. The player should have five hearts. Lumps in the snow should appear frequently. When they do appear, then the player should run towards the lump of snow and press Z to pick up the lumps and form it into as many snowballs as they can. The mii will automatically form the snow lump into snowballs. Snowballs should always be the same size, but larger snow lumps will give the player more snowballs. When the player has a snowball/snow lump in their hand, they should not be able pick up other snow lumps. A to turn around, Wii remote to aim, B to throw snowball, Nunchuck joystick to run. When facing forward, the player will have to avoid running into trees and falling off cliffs. If the player runs into a tree, then the mii will be stunned, the polar bear will catch up, and will swipe at the mii, removing a heart. If the player falls off a cliff, then two hearts will be removed. When turned around, then targets will appear on different parts of the polar bear. The mii will not hit any trees or fall of any cliffs when turned around. Instead, the mii should automatically avoid these hazards. I think the targets should disappear after a little bit.
In invasion survival, it is almost the exact same situation. Instead of running around the island, the player should run around the main town on Eisey Island. There will be a horde of polar bears attacking, each should have to take three hits to be defeated. I think the last polar bear should not chase the mii, rather the player should attack the last polar bear. The last polar bear should have a shield strapped to its paw, and should occasionally block the player's snowballs, and should make lunges toward the mii. Also, in higher difficulty levels, there should be more polar bears, and the targets should disappear more quickly.

15) Coffee-drinking contest, located on Eisey Island, in a café. The player should have to withstand more caffeine than other miis. The player and the opposing mii will have three hearts, and if any coffee is spilled, then the player or mii will lose a heart. I think the controls should be A to take a cup, B to drink, 1 to control the shaking, and 2 to set the cup down. I think that only the 1 button has to be held down.

16) Lastly, snowshoeing. The player will have to hike up the winding path to the top, and at certain spots, will have to smile for the camera. At the top, the Mii will join up with the other miis on the hike and take a picture, with a beautiful view of the mountain village, Wuhu island, and Wedge Island in the distance. Also, I think the player should be able to unlock a flag with their mii's face on it. This flag should stand behind the miis at the top of the mountain.

As these are all just rough draft ideas, then please feel free to elaborate or modify these ideas. Since I think this game would work best as an expansion pack, then I think that some of the games from Wii Sports resort should be included, such as Island flyover and dogfight, so the players can get to know the island better.

Thanks a lot for listening!
Matthew Nesteroff

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lego Viking Fort

This is my Lego Viking fortress. It has two guard towers, a bridge (for quick access between the two), a treasure chest, a rotating manned ballista, or giant crossbow (used for defense against dragons, foot soldiers, sea serpents, wolves, ships, etc.), and some extra crossbow bolts. There are two concealed keys to unlock the treasure chest on the island. One is in a pit next to the treasure chest, and the other is inside one of the two large boulders near the the smaller guard tower.

There are three guards on the island. One is standing at the end of the larger guard tower, another one is standing on the other guard tower, and the third is standing at one end of the bridge. There are three other warriors on the island also. One is operating the ballista, one is the leader of the group, and one is the leader's bodyguard.

The leader of the group is somewhat different from the rest, seeing that he is the leader. Instead of wearing the traditional metal cap with horns and carrying an axe or spear, he wears a sort of upside-down V-shaped helmet and a broadsword. Also, where some of the other warriors carry roundshields, he carries a triangular shield. His bodyguard does carry a roundshield, but wields a hefty axe blade connected to a staff.

All the Vikings have gray faces because of a biohazard that was in the area, and now, the Vikings are invulnerable to everything except extreme heat.

For lighting, there are a few torches placed here and there around the fort. Don't worry: the flame is not hot enough to harm the warriors.

My favorite thing about the fort is.....hmmmmmm. Well actually, I like all of it (that's one of the perks about creating something; you get to like all of it).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Return What You Have Stolen: A Song

This song was inspired by the movie TIME BANDITS.

(To a group of thieves)

Return what you
Have stolen from me
Or else I'll set my werewolves free
And they'll chase you
All the way to Greece
If you don't return to me.

If you DO return
What you've stolen from me
Then I'll bury you
In golden cheese
And I will be
Forever pleased
If you return to me.

But if you don't....

Then I'll torture you
With fire from my glove
And lightning from
The skies above
And you'll wish
That you never fell in love
With what you stole.

And I'll erase
All your good memories
So that you can never be true thieves
And I'll cover your beds
With a whole bunch of fleas
If you make me angry.

So I'm begging you
(Oh, please please please)
To return what you
Have stolen from me
And you'll be able to sing harmony
For this lovely song.

So, that's all for you folks,
Can you please go away?
And I hope you never
Come back some day
'Cause I'm tired of playing
All your silly little games
Now go AWAY!

(Note: what I've said in the last verse is NOT, repeat NOT, what I want. It's just part of the song.)

Friday, July 6, 2007

A New Poop - Chapter I

Inside the Dog Blockade Runner, Captain Barkingkeys ordered the Rebel Doggies to draw their laser bones and take up positions around the forward hatch. Princess Leapa took her own laser bone and went to find R2-Bark2. Two flares spurted to life on opposite sides of the hatch and sped along the frame toward each other. When they met, there was a terrific explosion, and the hallway was launched into chaos. Bones fired from outside of the hatch and ten Pawtroopers leaped into the hallway, bones blazing. Captain Barkingkeys aimed at the first Pawtrooper and fired twelve shots. Five of them hit the Pawtrooper in the head, the right arm, the chest, the laser bone and the left leg, resulting with seven missed shots and a stumbling, tripping Pawtrooper that finally fell and lay twitching. Captain Barkingkeys noticed that two other Pawtroopers were on the floor, one of them still alive and using the body of his dead comrade all the while firing at Captain Barkingkeys' men. Then, in the midst of the battle, his rank as an elite Pawtrooper was suddenly cut a stray blaster bolt. Captain Barkingkeys and the two remaining Rebel Doggies fled down a hallway and stopped at a corner. Three shots were fired. A Pawtrooper and a Rebel Doggie hit the ground, and the third shot passed by harmlessly and hit the wall, and the chase continued.

Back in the main hallway, a dark figure in a black cloak and wearing a black helmet stepped into the corridor. His name was Meow Vader, and he was a furball, one of the only two furballs in the galaxy. He carried a bonesaber whose blade was blood red. “Hhh-purr, hhh-purr” went Meow Vader's breathing mask. Meow Vader inspected the main hallway for a second, made sure that enemies were dead, and followed the path Captain Barkingkeys went.

Princess Leapa entered the escape pod bay and found R2-Bark2. R2 opened the disc drive and Princess Leapa slipped a CD in. R2 turned his head and projected a picture on the wall. All of a sudden, loud music started playing and a movie titled Monty Python and The Holy Grail started playing. Princess Leapa stared, and then pulled the CD out. The movie stopped short and Princess Leapa pulled out a hologram chip. She held it in R2-Bark2's disc drive long enough for R2-Bark2 to copy the message, then pulled it out, and R2 wobbled away out of sight. All of a sudden, four Pawtroopers entered the escape pod bay. “Set your weapons for stun.” The commander ordered. The four Pawtroopers slowly searched the escape pod bay. Princess Leapa ducked out of sight and pulled out her bone. She peeked out at the Pawtroopers. One saw her and Princess Leapa ducked out of sight again, but it was too late. The four Pawtroopers rushed down the hallway to capture her, but Princess Leapa fired her bone and one Pawtrooper bit the dust. Princess Leapa aimed again, but the commander caught her with a stun beam, and Princess Leapa fell to the ground, unconscious. “She'll be all right.” He said.

Meow Vader stood holding Captain Barkingkeys by the neck. “Where are the secret plans?” Meow Vader questioned. “We don't...have...any secret...plans. This is a...consular...ship.”The choking Captain Barkingkeys said. “If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?” Meow Vader asked. Captain Barkingkeys lost consciousness and Meow Vader threw him at the wall. A Pawtrooper walked up and said “Sir. The secret plans are not in the main computer.” “Fine. Search the ship for prisoners, I want them alive!” “Very well, Lord Vader!” and the Pawtroopers rushed off to do Meow Vader's bidding.

C-Barkapo walked through the escape pod bay, looking for R2-Bark2. “R2-Bark2, where are you?” C-Barkapo called. Then C-Barkapo saw R2 next to Princess Leapa. “There you are!” C-Barkapo cried out. R2-Bark2 wobbled down to an escape pod entry, but C-Barkapo protested. “What are you doing? Droids aren't allowed in there!” “Beep-boop beep.” was R2's only reply. C-Barkapo walked over to R2-Bark2, narrowly avoiding a blaster shot. The door to the escape pod opened and R2-Bark2 wheeled in. “Wait! Wait!” C-Barkapo cried. “Blaaap.” said R2. C-Barkapo walked into the escape pod, saying, “Oh, I'm going to regret this.” The door closed, and the escape pod was released, then the thrusters engaged and the escape pod was propelled towards Tatooine.

On board the Scratch Destroyer, an Imperial gunner saw the escape pod and aimed at it, but an Imperial Meowfficer said, “Let it go. It hasn't got any life forms in it. Probably malfunctioned.” So the gunner paid no attention to it.

End of Chapter I

Book 1: A New Poop - Prologue

Deep in space, a small ship hurtled by. It was the Dog Blockade Runner. Behind it (imagine you're looking at a movie screen) a HUGE ship filled the entire screen. It was a famous Scratch Destroyer, one of many that belonged to the Cats. Guns blazing, the Scratch Destroyer chased down the Dog Blockade Runner (Just in case you didn't know, a Scratch Destroyer is shaped like a triangular scratching post). Finally, the Scratch Destroyer scored a hit on the Dog Blockade Runner's main power generator. The Dog Blockade Runner slowed to a halt, and after some bumps, crashes, scrapes, and insults(such as “@#$!%&* tractor beam” or “Why am I assigned to this $#!%&* Ship?” and other rude words), the Scratch Destroyer snared the Dog Blockade Runner in its tractor beam and pulled it into the main hangar.

Pet Wars: The Original Trilogy - Cast

Dogs (Rebel Alliance)
Chew Skywalker (Luke)
Barka (Yoda)
Obi-Wag (Obi-Wan)
Chewie (Chewbacca)
Han Fetcho (Han Solo)
Princess Leapa Organa (Leia)
Captain Barkingkeys (Antilles)
Rebel Doggies (Troopers)
C-Barkapo (3P0)
R2-Bark2 (D2)

Vehicles (Rebel Alliance)

Millennium Dogbed (Falcon)
Dogwing Type 1 (X-wing)
Dogwing Type 2 (Y-wing)
Dogwing Type 3 (B-wing)

Dogwing Type 4 (A-wing)
Dog Blockade Runner (Rebel)
Dogspeeder (Landspeeder)

Cats (Galactic Empire)

Meow Vader (Darth)
The Meowpurroar (Emperor)
Grand Meow Tarkin (Moff)
Imperial Meowfficers (officers)
Pawtroopers (Stormtroopers)
Hiss Fighter Pilots (TIE)

Vehicles (Galactic Empire)

Death Scratch (Star)
Scratch Destroyer (Star)
Meow Vader's Hiss Fighter (TIE)
Hiss Fighters (TIE)
Hiss Advanced x1 (TIE)

Hiss Interceptor (TIE)
Meow-Meow (AT-AT)
Meow-Tail (AT-ST)


Jabba the Bird (Hutt)
Tusken Birdies (Raiders)
Beaka Fett (Boba)
Beassk (Bossk)
Birdar (Dengar)
IG-Birdie8 (IG-88)


Bird 1 (Slave)
Sail Bird (Barge)
Desert Poo (Skiff)


The Sarbok (Sarlaac)
Dewboks (Dewbacks)
Chickenas (Banthas)

Sunday, December 17, 2006


On friday the 13th, I went to downtown Seattle to go see Eragon (movie). It was a really good movie! My favorite part was when the Ra'zac ambushed Eragon, Saphira and Brom. One Ra'zac was fighting Brom and both the Ra'zac and Brom kept ducking under each other's swords. The thing that surprised me the most was when Eragon killed one of the Ra'zac. That never happened in the book!