Sunday, December 17, 2006


On friday the 13th, I went to downtown Seattle to go see Eragon (movie). It was a really good movie! My favorite part was when the Ra'zac ambushed Eragon, Saphira and Brom. One Ra'zac was fighting Brom and both the Ra'zac and Brom kept ducking under each other's swords. The thing that surprised me the most was when Eragon killed one of the Ra'zac. That never happened in the book!

Monday, December 4, 2006

Snowshoeing adventure

Friday, I went snowshoeing, with my mom, dad, and grandparents. We went to Gold Creek Basin to go snowshoeing and it was FUN! We went on a three mile hike around a pond that was half frozen. Halfway around, we stopped to have lunch on a small hill on the edge of the water. We had sandwiches, chocolate chips, hot chocolate and satsumas for lunch. Mom was JUST getting out her satsuma when she dropped it and it rolled INTO THE POND!!!! It was SO FUNNY!!!!!!! then we went around the rest of the way and met some kids sledding down a hill. By the time we got back to the truck, my legs felt like lead!